46 115th Street6:10 to 6:15
This and any following trips operate: Monday - Friday46 City Centre6:15 to 6:23
4 City Centre6:23 to 6:44
44 Willowgrove6:46 to 7:15
44 City Centre7:15 to 7:23
4 City Centre7:23 to 7:54
This and any following trips operate: Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri4 City Centre7:23 to 7:54
This and any following trips operate: Monday - Friday43 Evergreen7:56 to 8:24
This and any following trips operate: Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri311 Bowman / Murray / Cross8:02 to 8:23
This and any following trips operate: Monday - Friday43 City Centre8:24 to 8:33
This and any following trips operate: Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri4 City Centre8:33 to 9:04
82 University8:35 to 8:55
This and any following trips operate: Monday - Friday46 115th Street9:06 to 9:35
46 City Centre9:35 to 9:43
4 City Centre9:43 to 10:14
45 Arbor Creek10:16 to 10:46
45 City Centre10:46 to 10:53
4 City Centre10:53 to 11:24
44 Willowgrove11:26 to 11:55
44 City Centre11:55 to 12:03
4 City Centre12:03 to 12:24
46 115th Street12:26 to 13:05
46 City Centre13:05 to 13:13
4 City Centre13:13 to 13:34
45 Arbor Creek13:36 to 14:16
45 City Centre14:16 to 14:23
4 City Centre14:23 to 14:44
44 Willowgrove14:46 to 15:24
44 City Centre15:25 to 15:33
4 City Centre15:33 to 15:54
43 Evergreen15:56 to 16:34
43 City Centre16:34 to 16:43
4 City Centre16:43 to 17:04
4 City Centre17:53 to 18:14
45 Arbor Creek18:16 to 18:46
45 City Centre18:46 to 18:53
4 University18:53 to 19:04
This and any following trips operate: Monday - Friday46 City Centre6:15 to 6:23
4 City Centre6:23 to 6:44
44 Willowgrove6:46 to 7:15
44 City Centre7:15 to 7:23
4 City Centre7:23 to 7:54
This and any following trips operate: Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri4 City Centre7:23 to 7:54
This and any following trips operate: Monday - Friday43 Evergreen7:56 to 8:24
This and any following trips operate: Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri311 Bowman / Murray / Cross8:02 to 8:23
This and any following trips operate: Monday - Friday43 City Centre8:24 to 8:33
This and any following trips operate: Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri4 City Centre8:33 to 9:04
82 University8:35 to 8:55
This and any following trips operate: Monday - Friday46 115th Street9:06 to 9:35
46 City Centre9:35 to 9:43
4 City Centre9:43 to 10:14
45 Arbor Creek10:16 to 10:46
45 City Centre10:46 to 10:53
4 City Centre10:53 to 11:24
44 Willowgrove11:26 to 11:55
44 City Centre11:55 to 12:03
4 City Centre12:03 to 12:24
46 115th Street12:26 to 13:05
46 City Centre13:05 to 13:13
4 City Centre13:13 to 13:34
45 Arbor Creek13:36 to 14:16
45 City Centre14:16 to 14:23
4 City Centre14:23 to 14:44
44 Willowgrove14:46 to 15:24
44 City Centre15:25 to 15:33
4 City Centre15:33 to 15:54
43 Evergreen15:56 to 16:34
43 City Centre16:34 to 16:43
4 City Centre16:43 to 17:04
46 115th Street17:06 to 17:45
Current trip
46 City Centre17:45 to 17:53Current trip
4 City Centre17:53 to 18:14
45 Arbor Creek18:16 to 18:46
45 City Centre18:46 to 18:53
4 University18:53 to 19:04