798 ANNIE GALE TARADALE12:00 to 12:28
This and any following trips operate: Fri758 JC SCHUBERT/NEW BRIGHTON13:23 to 13:56
877 F WHELIHAN WALDEN14:45 to 15:20
This and any following trips operate: Monday - Friday863 ALL SAINTS HS/MAHOGANY15:30 to 16:19
This and any following trips operate: Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu
This and any following trips operate: Fri758 JC SCHUBERT/NEW BRIGHTON13:23 to 13:56
877 F WHELIHAN WALDEN14:45 to 15:20
This and any following trips operate: Monday - Friday863 ALL SAINTS HS/MAHOGANY15:30 to 16:19
This and any following trips operate: Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu