Current bus: 7845

08:18 - 08:48
9199WB Shawville GA @ W. of Shawville LI SE08:18*
8515NB 6 ST SW @ Shawville GA08:19
7799NB 6 ST SW @ Somervale DR08:19
7794WB 162 AV SW @ Shawbrooke DR08:21
7872WB 162 AV SW @ E. of Shawbrooke RD08:22
9213NB James McKevitt RD @ Shannon AV SW08:23*
3967WB Everstone BV @ James McKevitt RD SW08:23
4784NB Everstone DR @ Everstone BV SW08:24
3934EB Fish Creek BV @ Everstone DR SW08:25
9218NB Evergreen DR @ Evergreen PZ SW08:26
9212SB Evergreen DR @ Evergreen CV SW08:27
9300EB Evergreen DR @ Evergreen HL SW08:29
6588NB Evergreen ST @ 200 Shawnee GD SW08:30
9183EB Shawnee DR @ Evergreen ST SW08:30
9312SB Shawnee DR @ S. of Shawnee GD SW08:31
6589EB Shawnee DR @ Shawnee CR SW08:32
9184EB Shawnee DR @ Shawnee CO SW08:32
7591EB Shawnee DR @ 6 ST SW08:33
9189WB @ Fish Creek-Lacombe Station08:33*
9904WB Canterbury DR @ Canterbury PL SW08:48*
bold * indicates timepoint