Here's what's new on Transit55

New Look

Easier to use on mobile.

Better Navigation

Search from anywhere on the site with just one tap, and use the new dropdown menu for quick access to other pages.

Icon Arrows

Bus icons have arrows displaying their direction of travel, and icons load in significantly faster.

Ghost Buses

If a trip is scheduled to be in service but doesn't have any real time info, a ghost bus appears on the map, moving between stops based on scheduled times.

Faster Map Updates

Map updates are delivered more often and with less delay.


Save up to 5 of your favourite buses, routes, or blocks to be displayed on your home page.

Block Explorer

Look up blocks by route and date, and get a detailed look at how routes are interlined.

Redesigned Fleet Page

More info, photos, and links to detailed specifications.

All new maps

Clean and accurate maps from OpenStreetMaps and OpenMapTiles.

Other Changes

Service days of each trip are shown on block pages
Redesigned bus model system to support split bus orders
Frequent automatic schedule updates
Previous block info for buses is now retained, even after schedule updates
A notice is displayed on the map if there's a technical issue and the info is very stale
Cleaner URLs
Changeoffs are displayed in the past bus/block list
Trip and block duration is displayed in hours and minutes
Calgary: garage tracking now updates immediately


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