718 Leger15:26 to 16:06
702 South Campus16:26 to 16:43
703 Leger16:45 to 17:11
716 Century Park17:18 to 17:54
713 Twin Brooks18:01 to 18:07
713 Century Park18:07 to 18:22
700X Heritage Valley Express18:29 to 18:39
702 South Campus16:26 to 16:43
703 Leger16:45 to 17:11
716 Century Park17:18 to 17:54
713 Twin Brooks18:01 to 18:07
713 Century Park18:07 to 18:22
700X Heritage Valley Express18:29 to 18:39
Viewing scheduled trips for block 713 04 on Tue, Dec 31
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