7 7 N Airport To Westwood2:26 to 3:17
This and any following trips operate: Monday - Friday7 7 S Airport To City Centre3:25 to 4:16
7 7 N Airport To Westwood4:26 to 5:26
35 35 W Eglinton To Churchill Meadows5:59 to 7:06
35 35 E Eglinton To Kipling Terminal7:22 to 8:32
35 35 W Eglinton To Churchill Meadows8:49 to 9:56
This and any following trips operate: Monday - Friday7 7 S Airport To City Centre3:25 to 4:16
7 7 N Airport To Westwood4:26 to 5:26
35 35 W Eglinton To Churchill Meadows5:59 to 7:06
35 35 E Eglinton To Kipling Terminal7:22 to 8:32
35 35 W Eglinton To Churchill Meadows8:49 to 9:56