110 110 S Express University Exp
Current bus: 2248

21:33 - 22:11
0085City Centre Transit Terminal Platform L21:33*
3425Erin Mills Station East Platform 621:43*
1717Erin Mills Pky At Folkway Dr21:46
1062South Common Centre Bus Terminal Platform H21:50*
0991University Of Toronto At Mississauga Campus21:58*
0545Erin Mills Pky South Of Dundas St22:05*
0526Erin Mills Pky At Leanne Blvd22:07*
0104Southdown Rd At Truscott Dr22:09
0106Southdown Rd At Bromsgrove Rd22:10
0100Clarkson Go Station Platform 922:11*
bold * indicates timepoint
